To change the the display size (resolution) under Windows 7
Step 2: Select Screen resolution from the context menu.
Step 3: In the Screen resolution window, click on the Make text and other items larger or smaller.
Step 4: In the Display window, chose the desired display size from Smaller - 100% (default), Medium - 125%, or Larger - 150%.
If you also want to change the text size even more flexibly, perform steps 5 - 7, else go to step 8.
Step 5: In the left-side navigation pane, click the Set custom text size (DPI) link.
Step 6: In the Custom DPI setting window, enter a value between 100 and 500 or use the slider to adjust the size.
For me, 150 works fine. Play with the values to find what suits you.
Step 7: Click OK.
The set scaling value will appear in the Display window with a Custom radio button.
Step 8: At the bottom right of the window, click Apply.
Step 9: You will be asked whether you want to Log off now or Log off later.
You need to log off and log in again for the changes to become effective
Step 10: Press Alt+F4 on your keyboard to close the window.
To change the the display size under Windows 10
Step 2: Select Display Settings from the context menu.
Step 3: In the Display window, under Scale and layout, chose the desired size 100% (recommended), 125%, or 150% from the Change the size of text, ... dropdown menu.
If you also want to change the size of menus and tiles, perform steps 4 - 7, else go to step 8
(in this case, I'd recommend to leave the setting in step 4 at 100%);
Step 4: Click the Advanced scaling settings link.
Step 5: Under Custom scaling, enter a value between 100 and 500 to adjust the size.
For me, 150 works fine. Play with the values to find what suits you.
Step 6: Click Apply to save your changes.
Step 7: Go up a few rows and click the link Sign out now.
You need to sign out and sign in again for the changes to become effective
Step 8: Press Alt+F4 on your keyboard to close the window.